Just a Dream

Here we are, in my dream.
In the park, by the stream.
He tells me we need to talk.
So we begin to walk.

He gets down on one knee,
and begin to speak.
I realize what he's about to say,
And my heart goes weak.

He says,
"Baby I love you with all my heart.
I can't live without you or I'll fall apart.
I want you to be mine, so,
Will you be mine?"

I get nervous, chills run down my spine.
I mean, I love him, I want him to be mine.
My throat won't let a word escape.
I'm stuck looking at his eyes,
That perfect blue color and that oval shape.

My throat lets out a "yes" and my tears
Of joy begin.
We walk back home and I feel
Like this isn't the end.

I wake up knowing that was just a dream,
Nothing more than that.
But I wish I could fall asleep and go back.