To My Step-Father

When i was young you were there.
When i was young i thought you cared.
When i was young i loved you so.
When i was young i never let go.

Now i am older, and what do i see.
A bully, who is now picking on me.

You are the reason tears rolls down my face.
You should hate yourself and be in disgrace.

You are no longer the man i loved, trusted.
You are evil, pathetic and guess what you’re busted!

These tears are for you, not that you deserve them.
Here ... take my happiness. Aslong as you don’t hurt THEM.

THEY are my siblings.
THEY matter to me.
THEY deserve better than you, and i see
In the future, you will fail them, as you have me.

An someday, someday Matt will cry from a grazed knee
Or Felicity, someone has hurt her and pulled her hair
Her, or Olivia ... and guess what. You weren’t there.

But who was?
It was me, i held them.
Kissed them and hugged them tight.
And comforted them, because their daddy’s not right.

I make this promise. Here and now.
Those kids are my kids.
I will love them forever.
Through the sunshine. Through the rain.
Through any type of weather.

So come what may.
Hurt me as you will.
But bring them into this, hurt them?
And i WILL kill.