Lone Wolf's Night

Trees sway and wolves howl,
their voices hidden as the gale cries

Its’ ghostly scream echoes through the forest,
hunting down the wolves as they run

Lightning strikes in the dead of night

Crashing through the forest in a blinding blaze,
Its’ fury clear as a summer’s day

Cutting through the night’s pitch black haze,
fear envelops all who run

Their once tranquil home, turned to ash

A lone wolf stops and turns.

Staring into the monstrous flames,
he asks the question,

Should I live? Or should I stay?
♠ ♠ ♠
I have no intention of sleeping tonight so decided to write something.
I'm not a great writer and never will be, so feel free to be as critical as you want about what i write. I won't take offense, hell i'm pretty emotionless at the moment so there is no chance your offend me =)

i guess all i can say is thanks for reading x