
You'll watch me fade to black
Thinking that I'm gone for good
And when you cry at my funeral
I hope you know
I'm In that herse because of you
Wonder why you're even there
You killed me inside
Before I died completely
The hardest part of this
Was knowing you'll go on
With your life
Have a fucking ball
But i'll always haunt you
In the back of your mind
Every day
Send chills down your spine
I'll get my revenge
I'll drive you to beg me to kill you
Your darkest moments
All of your fears
In my hands
Until you feel what I felt
Then you'll be free from my curse
But you'll die anyway
Suffering and alone
Just like me
♠ ♠ ♠
Grrrrrrrr. :( :( :( FUCK THESE FEELINGS!