Dream Boy

You were cute
Perfect, even
The boy I liked
Walked by us
And All I could do
Was look up at you
And smile.

You were holding my hand.
I didn't need to ask
or do it myself
You just took mine
And smiled at me
And told me how
You thought that I
was perfect.

And it was funny
How I met you
In such an
Unusual place.
You came in
From the rain
Found me between
The padlock and
The wooden beams.

You were with her--
Or, at least
They wanted you to be
But you liked me
And it didn't matter
How crazy to you I was.

And everything was perfect.
And it all felt worth it.
But then, of course
As all dreams make me do
I had to wake up from you.

I'll find you again someday,
Dream boy.
With your sandy hair
And bright eyes
Bright smile
Strong hands on mine.
I'll find you one day
And this time
I won't be dreaming.