Dear God, Save my Son

Dear God,
Please save him.
He knows not what he done.

Dear God,
Please guide him.
He knows not where to go.

Dear God,
Please protect him.
He knows not of her ways.

Dear God,
Please help him.
He knows not what to do.

Dear God,
My heart..
It aches for my poor son.

Dear God,
My soul..
I promise that it's hurting.

Dear God,
My son!
He's stepped into the unknown.
All alone, and so blind,
He'll never know what she'd do.

Dear God,
Save my son.
He needs you more than I.

Dear God,
Save my son.
She'll cause his soul to die.

Dear God,
Save my son!
For I won't be there to watch.

Dear God,
Save my son!
Don't let her break his heart.

Dear God,
I'll be there.
In spirit and in flesh.

Dear God,
If she hurts him,
Help me not to hurt her.

Dear God,
Save my son.