Love is.

Love is when your world is crashing all around you.
Just falling apart and probably never going to be fixed,
yet you still get up in the morning,
just because someone is there that puts a smile on your face.

Love is when one person,
can pull you out of the haze you consider your shitty life.
When you just could care less about going on anymore,
yet they grab your hand and you follow them and continue on.

Love is that person who lights the candle in you and lights the way.
When everything is dark and the little one inside you is scared,
and wet and sitting with an unllighted candle in hand.
Love is when someone goes in and lights that candle and stands there in the light.

Love is the random gifts just to say I love you.
The candles on a cold winter night.
It's when you decide to hold instead of being held,
no matter how much you hurt.

Love is when you've had the worst day,
but when you see them cry nothing matters,
and you just want to make them feel all better.
Love is compassion.

Love is the way you look at me,
the way you smile, and the way your eyes show it all.
Love is the way your voice sounds saying my name,
the way I know I couldn't go a day without you.

Love is what you want it to be.
Love is blind, it is deaf, and it is strong.
Love is trust, and it is compassion.
Love is, well love is you.