Shed My Skin

Your eyes pierce me to the wall
I'm frozen, a deer in headlights
by the sheer terror that your hate filled
eyes bring to me
I can feel my heart beating
clawing out of my chest
one second
two seconds
you walk away
and I want to shed my skin.
It represtents everything I hate
the lies, and the connection
I thought we had.
Those memoried that I would never give up,
but find myself yearning to forget.
That feeling I get when you look my way,
the one that makes me feel beautiful,
like I am beautiful.
And thoes tear, all the tears
that slipped down my face so often
that they created tracks to follow.
I hate you for what you
are doing to me.
burning desire for what
I know I can't have.
Killing me from the inside out.