The Darkest Alley (Prt. 3)

One by one.
tooth by tooth.
and so I decide.
to tell him the truth.

"You see, you must die.
for all you have done.
all the pain and suffering.
you've done just for fun."

"You lied,killed, and cheated.
throughout the past seasons.
and now your going to die.
for all those reasons."

"But I-"
he starts to say.
but cuts out into a scream.
as I drop a tooth onto the tray.

ripping and plucking.
his teeth with a wrench.
making my eyes water.
from his nasty mouth stench.

endless screaming.
as I do my job.
not giving a shit.
sob after sob.

now a toothless mouth.
another task complete.
I reach out and grab a bag.
for now I must eat.

I pull out a sandwich.
and start to devour.
thinking of the tasks.
I have for the next hour.

sandwich now eatin.
I notice his eyes close.
now that's no fun...
so, for the task, he chooses.

I pull a needle from the bag.
I test it before injecting.
awaiting for his eyes to close,asleep.
before I start inspecting.

sometime later.
he finally came to.
awaking from a dream, he scans the room.
with a horrified look, he dreadfully knew.

looking back in the mirror.
with a bone chilling view.
a forever horrifying memory.
that sticks to him like glue.
