
I cry myself to sleep
Each and every night
All I can look forward to
Is the horror of my broken dreams
I wanted to live life to the fullest
Be everything I could hope to be
I wish I could say "It's not too late"
But now I'm too far in the game
These mind tricks don't go away
Instead they get worse every day

I had dreams for a future
One that'll never be mine
I never wanted to be a princess
Because rockstars seemed so much cooler
I wish I could go back in time to say
"Never say never" because now I'm broken
All because I changed

People can be so cruel and not care about a thing they say
With their perfect little lies, why would they care about some pathetic loser?
I was tied of being alone
And ridiculed for being myself
While I watched the world around me
Make clones out of everyone

I never wanted to be like them
Those stupid girls who do nothing
This game is sick and I'm tired of playing
I'm hanging up my costume
And bringing myself back

They broke me yet again
I'm back in the game that I wish had never started
The same old things,
Day after day
Why should I call this my life
If I feel like I'm dying?
Choking on the words I'm silently screaming
I'm no longer crying for help
Because it's my fault I'm broken
And I'll rebuild me by myself

I never cared about what people thought of me
Until that day
I don't know what happened then
But I forgot to be true to myself
And let the mindless insults into my head
They've made their nest
And aren't leaving any time soon
Don't you just hate that little nagging voice in the back of your head?
Yeah, sometimes it helps you
But for me it makes life a living hell

My game's over
I'm alive but I can't feel
I'm myself again
My friends are with me
That's all that matters anymore
I've found acceptance
I'm happy here but the memories don't leave
The need to be remembered so I know what it's like
To live a black hole
For life t ohave no meaning is just existing
I won't let that happen again
Because I'm not broken anymore...