
The fear of divorce
The starts of depression
Every day antics keep you guessing

Home is where the heart is
So my home keeps roaming
The excitement comes from the constant not knowing

Life and love
Gunshots and hugs
The fight to stop smoking
And random traditions are the token

Crime shows and the kicking of stones
Friday night dominos
And the love it shows

Oh how it means so much more then what it seems.

Yelling and love
The stupidest actions made fun
My mother and sister as bestfreinds
Cluelessness as to where this story ends

The fighting.
The yelling
But as you sleep it can all fade away.

And weekly shooting trips
You can’t have the good without the bad
Without sad,
How can you tell the happiness you have?

There’s nothing to move on to
If there’s nothing to go from
There’s no moving up,
If you never had any hardships, Hun