Train Tracks

The ground shivers crying for the train head his way as he is tightly bound to the tracks. He is stuck, he is crying for help but the world just walks by.
Closer, the engine steams yet still he painfully remains.
Fear seeps from his pores, hates pours from his eyes, wishing just wishing,
For love,
To stop,
To fight,
To win.
Let the kindness show no monster is he,
Be not afraid! To help is to give hope,
Hope, such hope oh how he yearns for hope,
But who? He asks.
Who may pull the dirt from the sand?
Who dare swallow the bug?
Who may give a hand to the teeth below?
Alone is he, alone for good,
No one is coming, but the train nearing so fast, roaring!
He pleads! But the rips remain tight!
I’m here! I’m here I’m ready alive!
He cries the strength may come, but may leave him alone.
He sighs he sobs then one last try,
He breaks the ropes the blisters they breathe.
He walks away, the ground shivers below.
The train has passed he’s going home.