In All Madness...Humanity

Some days I can't seem to forget
that I might get trapped again
that the silence may engulf me,
and the nightmares within
an endless light that holds no warmth,
a sky that’s falling in,
a sleep with no peace.

Go ahead and tell me it never happened
for all I know you might be right.
Things I thought and said at dawn that day
fortunately vanished when the sunlight hit them.
Pen in hand, blood became ink on paper
to flee on the wind and be whispered forever.
The words, the wind, the evening chill
would creep back through the keyhole that night
embracing me as a false friend would,
merely laughing as I shivered myself to dust.

Even now I listen carefully,
wary of the wind in my palm
I allow its voice among the rest,
fearful that it will fly away again
and their song along with it,
lost forevermore
eyes and mind to the sky as the rest becomes ash.

Let this never haunt me again I plead in my dreams
suddenly wide awake screaming “don’t let it leave me”.
It was too good to be true, they’ll want me gone soon.
I’m grateful for what they gave.
They gave me a chance, I am saved.

I once thought I couldn’t sleep,
when really I’ve yet to be awake.
The silence that broke me taints pages set aflame.
Of the noise that saved me, I’ve yet to say.
I get lost in the sound and hope it wakes me.
Patiently I wait. I awake.