I am poem

I am from broken hearts,
And duct tape to fix it.
From under developed blackberry bushes,
To over developed tomatoes.
From the forbidden climbing tree,
To the secret place beside the house.
and rivers of clouds preventing stars, but promoting life.

I am from scraped knees,
With Dora the explorer band aids.
From steak, and fresh pot pie,
To sweet and sour Chinese, and spicy chicken legs.
From fresh brewed Starbucks coffee,
To fried steak ham sizzling Saturday morning.
From diversity is good,
with Bach, to Metallica, and Chris Brown, and even wise oldies.

I am from white walls are perfect, to paint your own custom color.
From art is expression, to quit drawing and pay attention.
From good job, to perfect practice makes perfect,
and little 'do betters' ringing in the air.
To my word is law,
and crying is for wimps.

From Greg and Lyn,
with red hair and aged wrinkles
From Irish temper to Irish cream,
smooth coffee, to smooth talk.
From yes you can, to no you can't.
I am from home, where the heart should be.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a personal poem. No editing, this is the final version