
Cold skinned creatures that drink the blood of warm- blooded creatures.
They suck out the blood quickly with a feverish hunger for it.
They are creatures of the night, sleeping in coffins and arising at night.
Fickle creatures they are never sated for long always hungering for another’s blood.
They morph into bats at will, taking to the skies like a dark knight takes to his horse.
When their fangs are unsheathed they are a menace to society.

Fast as lightning they take off in the dark stalking prey like a lion.
Beauty unparalleled to that of humans charms the opposite gender like a lamb to a lion.
Denizens of the night, vampires live in the darkest, godforsaken places one can think of.
The wind blows and a group of vampires arrives the scent of humans thick on their nostrils.
Humans scream as they are violently devoured by the vampires.

All that is left are the shattered remains of a ruined corpse lying on the asphalt, broken and torn asunder.
Its heart is seeping on the ground, wrenched from its chest, bleeding profusely on the sidewalk.
The vampires cackle like witches, taking to the sky their hunger satisfied.
All that is left is a soft breeze in the air carrying the stench of blood.