A lonely cycle goes around and round
Nothing to stop it and nothing to begin it
It all makes the world seem sad
Ravished in a wheel of hate
And treaturery
Of cunning and skill
The rich and the poor
It all just never ends until its too
Late to stop
That one lonely cycle will go around and round
Unstoppable and unforgivable
Ravished with hate and incurable
With love
This cycle know nothing of kindness
Of forgiveness
Or even peace
This cycle goes round and round
Never truly stopping not once or even
Twice. Never stopping to wait and never
Letting anyone rest
In constant movement is all this hate that ravished the cycle along with the rest
That is what created the seven sins
Wrath, Pride, Sloth, Lust, Envy, Greed, and Gluttony
And that ended the world for once at least to never rest in peace