
your voice is like heroine..
and im addicted..
ive been trying to quit yew
for so long now..
and im beggining to relapse..
my head throbs
and aches now
that we are apart..
i can never stay focused..
except when i think
about death..
they say heroine is the
most difficult drug
to break free from..
how true that is..
i keep falling for yew..
even though i need to quit..
i keep telling myself
that i want to quit yew..
that i need to quit yew..
but i keep going back..
even though i get
more and more
fucked up each day..
and it keeps getting
harder and harder
to break my addiction
of yew..
as the relapse gets worse
as do i..
i can feel myself disapearing more
each day without yew..
even though i keep telling myself
that im over
that im done
that im never going
to talk to yew again!
i still do..
your voice is like heroine..
and im hopelessly..
addicted to yew..