Why Me

I wonder did it happen to me
Why did they choose to rape me
I didn't do anything wrong to them
But look at what they did
They didn't jsut ripe my pride away
But also help me get disown by my family and friends
Peopls say I should not feel ashamed for what happen
Because it was not my fault
I am ashamed to look at myself in the mirror
It was my fault that i gotten raped
If only i had been more careful
Maybe then I would have saw them coming
Instead I am lsot and alone
No place to go
No friends or family to help
Why me
Did they know this would happen
Or was I was easy prey
I will never know
That's not all they took
These people took my life
Now I will forever be forgotten
Because they never found my body
I shall forever walk the earth as a ghost
Until I am property put to rest
But that will never happen
They made my body disappear for a good
These people made me watch as they took another life
Will they ever be caught
Why me