Grey Stain On The Wall Of Normality

There’s a black hole in my chest
Where that organ used to be
The one that pumps blood
And supposedly love
I wouldn’t know
It really doesn’t feel
That it’s there any more

There’s a gaping scar in my head
Where my brain used to be
Before that cannonball hit me between the eyes
Driving sensibility and level-headedness
Into disgusting gory splatters
Decorating my mistakes
How can I trust my brain?
When it always betrays me

There’s this piece of grey on the wall
Where that girl used to be
Look closer
Do you see her red eyes?
Blinking blearily
Those shaking shoulders
The ugliness
Of complete and utter misery
She’s just a stain now
A stain on a giant wall called normality
I wish she would solidify
Because she is I
And as painful as it is
Being a three-dimensional being
If I don’t wake up from the grey
Life will become a distant memory