Dear Diary

Dear Diary, hello
I told another lie today,
another reason, of why I'm not okay,
I tell you my life is fucked up
that I am falling apart,
I am the one who sleeps till dark,
I am not a good person diary,
I am not nice
Dear Diary, I'm sorry
I tried to kill myself today,
but my friend Sammy told me it's okay,
she said that she would be here for me
and that she loves me
she told me to see that there are people here for me

Dear Diary, hi
Sammy looks down
she always looks at me with a frown
What's going on inside her head,
I am just on my bed,
why wont she tell me?
Can't she see I love her as much as she loves me?

Dear Diary, I'm broken
I still cannot believe she did!
She told me not to throw away my life,
but she is the one with the knife,
Diary, her wrist is a reck,
she said she can't stop,
I miss my real friend,
Doesn't she see,
she is hurting me,

Dear diary, .....
She's gone diary,
she left but a note,
I hadn't red what she wrote,
how could she,
not even see, that I love her as much as she does me,
but she's dead,
left nothing but,
blood on the floor,
her parents in swirl,
after all she was moms perfect angel,
and daddy's little girl

Dear Diary,
My tears are coming forth again,
every time I close my eyes,
I see her face,
I see her lies,
she promised to help me,
why couldn't I help her,
I promised her I would,
That I would be right next to her I understood,
How could she take her life,
now all I do is draw her name with my knife,

Dear Diary,
They buried her today,
I can feel the pain,
just like yesterday,
I can see her face,
looking so young in her coffin,
she didn't deserve death,
why did she kill herself,
She had told me she was finally okay
I told my mom I a fine
but then, why am I crying today
How could she do this to me,
I haven't smiled in a while

Dear Diary,
the chances that anyone has to make me smile,
that wont happen in a while,

Dear Diary,
I finally read her note,
I felt bad that I didn't read what she wrote,
I am glad I did,
I feel a little better now,
at least she told me how she felt,
I had knelt over her grave,
to read her name,
I am glad I didn't feel any real shame,
I will always remember her, but at least,
she is happy now...