You Can...

You are an ocean in which everyone can swim in,
You are the sun which under everything basks,
You are a clown that everyone can laugh at,
You are a bird and you soar the skies to onlookers delight.

You can build a city in a day
And have it torn down without any say,
You can burn a forest and not pay
Because you can always have your way.

You can pound your fist atop the pulpit,
You can deny the question and dismiss the witness,
You can sentence the innocent and let the guilty walk,
Just because you are the ultimate judge.

You have millions of lives in your hand
In your mighty grasp they look like sand,
You can scatter them amongst the land
You can leave them there to expand.

You have power that is unlimited,
You have bombs that could destroy nations,
You have words that could start a revolution,
You have people that could make a new Declaration.

You have seemingly all that is needed and more
To create a world where you are the center,
Where every flower has been perfectly planted
Yet you do not have to exercise this power
Because devotion is not something you can devour.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would really appreciate comments on this because I wrote it for English class and it is to be graded but I am not sure if it is that great...anyways, it would be great if you could give me some input and feedback or ways to make it better. Thanks =]