Dear Old Friend

When nobody wanted to sit by you in gym.

When nobody wanted to be your partner for science.

When your were by yourself after lunch break.

I was there.

I known you for years

Yet, you were older than me.

Now, I feel like I was an annoying little kid

That you didn't want to hurt their feelings and say, " I don't want to hang out with you."

Next year, we weren't in the same class.

Popularity got you

You didn't tell me anything nor hang out with me.

I shrugged it off.

You were going out with lots of guys.

I inwardly groaned.

I didn't want you to be like them

This year, you're going out with so many guys

that you think they're The One

You died your hair

Honey, your roots are red

Aren't they supposed to be black?

You don't remember me

Hmm, not a suprise

Don't worry you'll always be my friend

That I met years ago.