
If life takes a turn for the worse
Remember the nights with your Grandma.
Listening to her voice as she told you a story
About her childhood, ‘bout your Momma or your Daddy
Listening to your Grandpa, talkin’ about World War II
And about Growing up on the farm, and meeting your Grandma.
If your feeling down, and don’t feel like your worth anything,
Remember your dad, as he played with you, calmed you down by his soft, wonderful laughter.
For every bad time.
For every sad memory
For every tear shed
Remember happy times
Not the sad ones
Know how to love,
How to live
Be happy with who you are, because the outside doesn’t matter,
As long as our insides have goodness, purity
Stands out far more than looks
As long as we stay pure
We are beautiful.
♠ ♠ ♠
It means that even though our lives can get bad, and we sometimes feel worthless inside, purity is among us, and we are all beautiful, even if not on the out side....