I love you

Its morning.
Life is hard,
too much pressure,
to much hate,
the only thing,
the one small thing,
that keeps me going,
is you.

Life for me is boring,
its pointless and time wasting.
When I'm with you things are different,
I can smile, I can laugh!
My heart swells when I see you,
And when you smile I melt.

Do you notice me,
how I practically drool when I see you,
I keep my composure,
I stay silent,
but the one thing I have to say,
is that..

I knew you liked me,
when I liked you,
so why are we single?
Why didn't you ask?
Why didn't I?
We are "best friends" But I hate it,
I want to be with you,
but can you see that?

I have to say this before I hve no time left,
becuse the time is running out,
I can feel the clock ticking,
guess what?
Fuck this is hard but...
I love you...
♠ ♠ ♠
*sigh*, life sucks... no correction, love sucks.. :/