She feels Ugly

She can now consider herself a very talent actress
As she hides behind her make up and dress
She enjoys dancing in the dark
Because if people are watching... she falls apart
You may ask her why she feels this way
But all she’ll reply is that she has nothing to say
She has now built up a wall
Too protect her from any fall
She doesn’t like to be push
Even if her friends feel its a must
She starting to crawl in a shell
Wondering why I’m I going through this hell
She sick of being viewed in a certain way
And wants to ignore what people say
She’s angry
Anger hungry
And she needs to let it out
Before people ask what she’s on about
So she’s now decided that she doesn’t give a fuck
And that the only way people will understand her is through pure luck
She’ll show the world what she can do
And everybody won’t have a clue
What she’ll do
When the time comes!
♠ ♠ ♠
I just needed to get this off my chest