I Want To Be There

I want to be where the skies are gray.
I want to be where the clouds are gray.

I want to be where the clouds and skies are gray

Where I can be up in tree writing or taking pictures

Where people don’t irk me

Where I can just look at the sky without looking through a window

Where I can feel the cool air breezing on me

Where I can think freely without being interrupted

Where I can smell fresh leaves instead of pollution

Where I can just hear my music without someone calling me

Where my ideas come by just watching nothing

Where the littlest things can be captured on a camera and look marvelous

Where I can sing my horrible voice without people telling me to shut it

Where I can hang my legs over a tree branch and sway like the world is ending

Where I won’t be judged for doing whatever I want, or even in the taste of appearance

Where I can do whatever I want

Where I won’t be afraid of anything, but not being There.

But, I’m afraid There isn’t real.