Basic Everyday Misery

Why is it
That it happens every day,
This basic everyday misery?
Everything is fine,
And then one small comment,
An insignificant act,
And everything starts to crumble.
Spiraling into this basic everday misery.
It's always the same routine,
The same old story every time.
It reduces me to tears;
Makes it so hard to stay strong;
Shows me how broken I am inside.
I hate it.
And yet,
I won't stop it.
I'll keep bitching
And moaning
And whining
And when someone gets fed up with my shit,
I wonder
'Why me?'
I just keep going,
Though it is slowly killing me.
I feel it every day,
Feel it ruining everything good,
Pure in my life.
Ripping me to shreds.
My differences with my mother,
Never resolved,
And a constant source of this basic everyday misery.
The almost-stepfather I can't stand another one.
Uncertainty about myself,
Who I am,
Dealing with everyday drama,
Still more ways for this basic everyday misery to reach me.
I just wish it would all stop.
I just want a break from this basic everyday misery.
I'm begging you.