
As the predawn light saturates the world with its eyes of gray
I think, “Where is my bit of purple? I must remember it.”
I am a romantic movie cliché, but where is my prince?
My happily ever after?

It is here, in the early morning.
Exhaustion coats my brain, clouding my thoughts…
Blurring my vision?
No, improving
Fucking rewiring my sight until I can finally
I can see, at last.
I can see.

I. Can. See.

The birds chirp, and as every minute passes,
I need this artificial light less and less.
For the first time in far, far too long,
I look outside and I see beauty.
Fucking beauty.
And in this beauty, I find peace.
We’re all going to Hell, but it will be alright
Because I have finally found a measure of peace in my little fucked up world.
At long last, I can breathe.
I can fucking breathe.

just breathe


At long last, I am ready for the