since you left

fark this hurts
everytime i see her its like a knife through my heart because i know i love her
and she doesn't loves me
even my sweetest dreams are horrible night mares with her missing in it
its ironic... the thought of it just tares me to bits
with out you I'm falling
every night my hearts cries for you... bleeding and screaming
this pain just never ends
living like this is meaning less, i just cant comprehend
now that your gone its only me and i only have my self to hold on to
I'm stripped away from all my pleasent thoughts
dragged away from reality, to a distant unknown place
where its dark and gloomy and there's nothing but empty space
that place is not far away
its inside me...
inside my core
that you left empty and sore
but what will i lose if i just tell you
i love you