You Don't Need the World

You don’t need the world.
Love amplifies what you already have;
makes everything brighter, bolder, more vibrant.
Brings colour to your cheeks
and brightness to your eyes.
Love strips down your walls
to build new ones.
Lets someone else in.
Someone new.
Someone to comfort you.
Love makes you curious. Creative. Chaotic.
Love makes every breath
fresh as the maritime breeze.
You don’t need the world.
Love clothes you. Feeds you.
Quenches your thirst.
Love gives you shelter.
Love will save you from yourself.
Expose you to yourself;
make you realize your darks and lights
and teach you to admire the contrasts.
Love reflects you. Builds you up
so you can appreciate who you are.
You don’t need the world,
because you have love.
The world is out there.
It always has been, and always will be.
Love is here, so enjoy the company.
Tomorrow carries no worries.
Today, no cares.
The world works in mysterious ways,
And love is one of them.
So if you have love,
You have a grasp of the world
in the palm of your hand.