The Brutal Truth

Save me from the darkness
The hole that will swallow me
My heart that still smiles at you
The thick, painful tears

I will freeze
I will crumble
Then blow away

Save me from the panic
The lasting tightness
The heart attacks
The fear that conceals everything

Goodbye to you
Goodbye to me
We shall cease to be

Who I thought we were
Who we never were
Who we will never be

Save me from the harshness
The loneliness that I feel
The bitterness that I prevail
My mind that is now insane

Break me
Break my spirit
Break my soul
Tell me not to feel at all

Let me see the light
Let me breathe the air
Let me feel the heat

Cure my deaf ears, cure my blind sight
Tell me I am good enough
Tell me I am worthy
Tell me I can live again
♠ ♠ ♠
This is what you did to me but it isn't entirely your fault either because I guess I let you do it. This is what came about from your selfishness. You used me to get over her and you broke me because she broke you and it made you feel better. You are every bit as bad as her. No matter how much you are hurting, no matter how much it tore you apart, you are as bad as her because you brought yourself down to her level when you did the same thing to me. I am now hurting as much as you, is that what you wanted to achieve? To make someone feel as much pain as you are? To make you feel better about yourself after she made you feel like shit? Is that it? Well then, how dare you.