Come Back Summer

You kissed my lips and I felt no shame
You told me you loved me and I felt the same
You told me you can’t live without me and I said then don’t leave

But you did and it tore me apart inside
Now my world has fallen apart
Split right down the middle shattered at the seams

I thought what we had was special but
I thought wrong
You chose to leave you weren’t forced

Now what I want to know is
Why in the world would you do something like that to me?
Can’t you see that want we went through is irreplaceable?

That summer we shared underneath the trees
Kissing by the pool
Watching the stars thinking
Life couldn’t get any better

Now summers over
You’ve left
I’m still here
Crying my eyes out

As you ripped my heart out
Now I’ll never be the same
And I hope you know that you destroyed my world

You shook it all around
You flipped it upside down
Now tell me why you feel no pain?
Was I just a joke to you?

I’ll never let you kiss my lips once again
I’ll never let you tell me you love me because I won’t believe you
And obviously you can live without me or you wouldn’t have left me