Midnight Mistress

My soiled hope
How it weeps tears of pain
Splattered with my blood
Though I see others in the light
I stay in the depression of darkness
Where all hope of happiness lay idle
Who will save me?
As I drown myself with lies
Lies that eat at my soul
And stab my already bleeding heart
My soul is cast away
Killed by my fictional life

...No one will come to my aid
I'm left in the blackest midnight

It seems I've been here for eternity
And hope will never come
The darkness holds me captive
Because I'm the only one not afraid

Though its grip on me is ruthless
I've learned to love the dark
It hides the improfections
Covers the lies
But at the same time..
It hides the heartbreakers
And the killers
So heartbreak and death will come easily

I love the dark
Yet, I loathe the very thought of it

The line between love and hate is blurred
Making it hard to tell one from another
So I'm left with forever
To unriddle
To lay numb
To be torchured
To stay unloved
To cry myself asleep
To say