Girls' Time

I won’t think about you tonight.
For now I’m alright.
This is a girls’ time,
Our time to shine.
A needed time without you,
A needed thing to do.
It’s just me and my girls,
Out to explore the world.
We don’t need you,
I don’t need you.
You’re kicked out of my head,
At least til I lay back down in bed.
No, I refuse to let you invade,
I will not let you invade.
This is my night to do whatever I want,
And, yeah, I may pull a stupid stunt.
But I’ll feel better knowing that you
Would never do the things I do.
It’s good to know I have more balls
Than you and your little plastic Lego dolls.
Oops, did I say that out loud?
Sorry, I meant to share it with the world.
So, goodbye for now.
Girls’ time starts now!