
All these emotions,
Running through me,
All out once
It gets so noisy, and so hectic
Almost like New York Traffic
Better yet it’s like Static
One moment I want to scream
In the next I want to sob.
It never ends no matter
What help I get or what pills
I swallow,
I’ll always have the white noise
Of emotions in my head.
The cycle of being livid, joyful, somber,
Cheerful, drained and angry.
Running all at once through my mind
Almost like New York traffic
Better yet it’s like static
One moment I want to scream
In the next I want to sob.
I should be in a room
With padded white walls.
It seems as though, I’m
Held together buy paperclips and duck tape.
I should be hugging myself
In a straight jacket, with all the thoughts that run through my head.
The thoughts beat in my
Skull like a bass line set to
My heart rhythm.
Almost like New York traffic
Better yet it’s like Static
One moment I want to scream
In the next I want to sob.
To know that I’ll be safe in my mind
I won’t want to thrash around, and beat the crap out of
Everyone up.
To talk passionately
About anything without the
Thought of that whit room,
And those pills I’d have to swallow.
To have a quiet mind.
Just no more static.