i wish

i wish my dreams could come true,
the only dreams where i dream of you.
me and you together forever,
me and you in the nice weather.
sun shining with us on the beach,
water sparkling, just to far to reach.
sadly this just isn't real,
i wish you feel what i feel.

sadly reality shines on through,
i keep thinking "if only you knew"
but i know if you did things wouldn't be the same
i just can't tell you that would be losing this game.
the game of wanting, hoping and wishing.
plus if you knew i recon there'd be dissing.
so i really do wish my dreams would come true.
my wonderful dreams where i dream of you.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first poem in forever! i hope you like it, comments would be appreiciated.