We're Almost There, I Promise

A cars wheels speeding
sticky heat
hot sand passes the windows
Looking in to see
Pale faces staring ahead
One boy is beaten and bruised
the other is angry
white knuckles clutching the wheel
speeding the car to it's limit

We're not going back
not after what they did
They destroyed your body
They mangled your spirit
How could they do that?
We're never going back.

A phone rings
Then is tossed out the windy window
Why should they call?
They did this to him
they don't deserve him
with his innocent angel face
the one now hiding behind
a patchwork of black and blues and red
Poor baby

We're almost there RyRy
Almost there
Don't be scared my love
nothing bad will happen now
I promise, it'll be ok
I'm here now.

It's harder for me
watching this
looking at you now
remembering when you called
your whimpering voice telling me
what they did to you
your cracked and bloody lips
and your tear stained cheeks
it wasn't your fault
you didn't do anything

this wasn't supposed to happen
I was supposed to protect you
make sure nothing bad happened to you
I'm sorry my love
I failed you
but I promise you now
I won't let them touch you ever again
Shut your swollen eyes Ryan
we're almost there

please please comment! this was something entirely new for me... i want to know if i just destroyed Ryden... :] so ya comment comment comment