
Here is a letter to my dearest love
A dream occured the night before the last
It was of a creature; a pure white dove
Moving with grace, almost too swiftly past

Within this dream the dove stole another form
That sweet form, the one from my dream, is you
At first, it was you who looked oh so torn
Your whole appearance looking rather blue

Dreams grew to be well as your smile appeared
It felt like the world was smiling at me
No longer will my own earth be fearéd
Dreams take me to places shut with lock and key

My beautiful dreams are more than just dreams
Dreams are love sewn together at the seams
♠ ♠ ♠
well at first i posted a "sonnet" only to discover sonnets have ten syllables per line...so here's the edited versionn! this isn't really juliet's pov anymore, it's more so my own(: