Love War

Love wars they’re all the same
Started out in love
Ended up destroyed

Broken hearted;
Tears falling to the ground
Unloved souls wanting to be loved

No one will ever be the same
Once the love war takes place
The battle cry will rumble
And the tears will roll to the ground

Souls will be lost
Hearts will shatter
All to the love war and

Its shame
Love wars they’re all the same
Once it hits
You may never find yourself again

It’s a terrifying thing
That love war
But it’s just a game to test

Your fear
To see who’s in for life
And who’s just there for the game

To test your love for one another
That love war is like none other
It can destroy a whole girl’s life

In just one little second
It can break a mans heart
In just three little words

I hate you.
When the love war fires
Love wars they’re all the same

Started out in love
Ended up destroyed
Broken hearted;

Tears falling to the ground
Unloved souls wanting to be loved
When the love war hits your heart

You may never be the same
When the love war comes to town