A mystery


That's what I get when i hear your voice.
When you talk to me it brightens up my world.
I don't know what is.
Maybe its your energy, our harmony, or maybe it a mystery.
Or maybe my minds playing tricks on me.
Or maybe its the sun the stars the moon,
aligning perfectly to shine upon you to show me....

Or maybe im just crazy

Because i have no clue what to do
when you make those eyes sparkle like you do.
They make feel like a summer breeze or winter snow.
Oh god can this be love?


Just because when i see you i get butterflies
and a feeling that goes to my head to my toes.
Doesn't mean its love, ya know.

Or does it

Because i get this feeling in my heart
that sometimes i wish this world will stop when were all alone.
And i think you know.

i love you
♠ ♠ ♠
** okay so this actually a song. I just didn't feel like singing it(: