
My ghosts haunt me through my scars
My demons haunt me through my cuts
The devil through my blade

I've quit everything all my life
But this is the one thing I cant

One little stumble
One little bump
And I nosedive past my limits
I can never save myself

Thats where my addiction kicks in
It's what I need
I'm the druggie
And It's my heroine

I'm bleeding enternaly
So I let out the blood through my wrists
Keeping me from somehow drowning..

I'm drowning myself
Drowning from the inside out
With more and more lies

I asked for help once
I was told to suck it up
But how?
They don't know this pain

I deny my friends
I deny my love
I deny myself

How much longer will this go on?
When will the cuts on my wrist stop?
Will my scars haunt me forever?
Or will it end as sweetly as it began?