Cold Hands

As we lay here in the storm, hand in hand,
I look up at the dark, yet blinding bright sky.
Intrigued by how something so gloomy can be so bright.
The snow torpedoes down towards the ground.
Each flake dropping down like lead.
Hitting my face, those cold sharp needles.

You squeeze my hand and I turn to see
Your beautiful face, pale which the exception of your pink nose.
Snowflakes cling to your dark eyelashes
And harden your soft hair
Enveloping each strand in it’s icy clutch.
Your lips, so chapped and cold, part.

‘I love you’ escapes them.
I use my remaining strength to reach over
To moisten and warm your lips up with my own.
Our lips part and I tell you that I love you, too.
You sigh, a cloud of fog rising into that sky of bright darkness
You smile and I lie back down on my back, beside you.

Your eyes follow mine.
Side by side,
Hand in hand, our cold hands
We stare at each other
Without a care in the world
Because we both know, there’s no need.

My hands are numb with coldness.
A tear slips down the side of my eye
Because I’m slowly losing the feel of your hand in mine.
Your face becomes worried
As you lift your free hand to touch the tear.
And I calm down, ‘cause I can feel your fingertips.

I smile to reassure you that I’m fine.
And I am.
‘Cause I don’t want to be anywhere but here,
Which is a meaningful thing to say
As to where we are right now
And what situation we are in right now.

This is the end for us.
This storm is going to bury us.
Swallow us.
Mother Nature’s daughter, the Snow Princess
Continues to knit together
A cold blanket of white to cover our bodies.

And I smile.
‘Cause I know that you’re here with me
And stepping into the unknown
Won’t be as frightening.
I close my eyes and I drift off.
Hand in hand. We leave this world, together.
♠ ♠ ♠
The title kinda sucks, so if any of you have a suggestion for the title, feel free to tell me. : )