Living day by day
With all these people
inside of my head
constantly screaming

45, 46, 47,
keep on counting.
I find more everyday,
One number's not enough

One personality
is not good enough
for my insignificant brain
to have to deal with

A couple to several
Several to plenty
plenty to a plethora
a plethora to OVERLOAD

until I have a breakdown
I can't take it anymore....
Everyone screaming, arguing,
For one thing: Dominance.

You don't know what it's like
Multiple personalities
Living with them everyday
Is like torture....

His name is Travis,
The one who comes out the most.
I can control them,
But it's too much for me to handle

I'm always thinking, Just thinking...
What to do?
Nothing? And live with this forever?
Or something, and end up hurting myself?

Either way I'll end up dead,
So who cares what I do?
I just always know
That in every day, I have you...