How Dare You

How dare you...

Ask me out
Cheat on me with my best friend
Not let me find out until Homecoming
End it with me

Try and apologize
Whore around while we dated
Laugh obnoxiously to your friends
Look at me and smile
Try and make me jealous

Want to get back together with me
Text me every night
Try speaking with me in the halls

How Dare you?

I don't care for you anymore
I could care less that your braces are off and you 'perfect'
I don't give a damn who you date
I don't want to hear about your day

How dare you think that I would still want you after everything?
♠ ♠ ♠
I like knowing that someone is reading this. It feels a lot better. Does anybody else have a son of a bitch ex- girlfriend/boyfriend?