
We Slytherins are cunning
We're absolutely stunning
Of course we're clever
We're the best forever

You Gryffindors may be brave
But we'll send you to your grave
You act like you're not scared
But trust me; you won't be spared

You Ravenclaws are nerds
You can't hurt us with words
Because we will kick your ass
Especially in Snape's class

You Hufflepuffs are puppies
Your brains small as guppies
You are obviously way too true
Want a Death Eater tattoo?

Other houses are debris
As you can obviously see
We Slytherins always rule
We are just way too cool

We Slytherins are mean
We try to make a scene
Although we cause strife
We're still amazing at life
♠ ♠ ♠
I <3 Slytherin!!