Stubborn Bitch

Stubborn Bitch yup that's me.
Always having the last word, never believes.
Getting what I want when I want, pushing away everyone.
Never loving, heartless, person.

Happiness is a sin, smiles are against the law.
Fun is forever lost. So lost can't ever find the way.

Hopeless, helpless never going to learn.
Won't accept the truth, only belives in lies, avoids probablems, runs away from life.

Never admits to being wrong, relies only on herself for help.
Can't trust or else she may get hurt.

Has a wall built between the world and herself.
Stuck in this prison cell people call life.

Blinded by rage and revenge.

A black, cold heart.
Lifeless eyes, always fighting, shes on a suicide mission.
Mass murder with a plan.
Won't let anything get in the way, doesn't listen to anyone but herself.
Determinded, strong willed on a mission to kill.
Only one thing that matters everything else is just in the way.
Practice makes perfect, always training.
Concentration is key, never distracted.

Hard job that needs to be finnished, just one thing on her mind. Get it done.