Trapped Pain

A broken heart is all it takes to ruin your life,
Even when life is perfect and the pain is gone,
When you see other people and have think you've moved on.
Just one reminder, one sentence, and your work is washed away.

Try not to remember those feelings of so long ago,
But they don't seem to go away,
Silently your wondering if they feel the same,
Do they want you again, as much as you want them?

You just want to scream at the world, ask why this happened to you,
Wake up and find it was a dream,
That none of it were true.
But each morning you wake up to the pain, you see it has not changed.
Why though, do you still feel strange?

They hurt you so badly,
It was so long ago but the pain so horrible it felt like yesterday,
After all that hurt you think love cannot be felt again,
Then you realize it cant be felt by you, not for anyone but them.
Your trapped in this mess.

Never to escape, only caught with pain.