Pig Poem

I am now going to write a poem about pigs.
In pink, appropriately enough,
Which is not one of my favourite colours,
But I thought if I wrote it in blue,
(Which IS my favourite colour),
Then it wouldn't be quite so effective.
But most of the time pigs aren't actually pink,
They're more of a muddy brown sort of colour,
Due to their interesting past time of rolling around in mud.

Pigs go 'oink'.
Not many creatures make an 'oink' noise,
In fact, I don't think ANY do.
Not even pigs.
Theirs is more of a snorting sound.
Only humans go 'oink',
But only as a bad impression of a pig,
Because, as we have established,
If you listen closely,
Pigs don't really go 'oink' at all.


Say all of that in French.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just a random bit of fun, but I really hope you like it ^.^