High of a knife

I cant believe you did this to me
why couldnt have you just let me be
you took me down
and made me fall to the ground
I knew from the beggining
but i fell for it anyway
its probably because i didnt kno what to say
i still cannot find a reason why
still finding new ways to try and get high
the thinkgs you told me replay in my head
everytime i lay in my bed
the question is why
why didnt you try
i guess you dont care
so neither should i
i wont forget the memories
even though they cut like a knife
making me not even like my own life
the blood that i bleed
from you horrible deed
makes me so sick
i should have known
it was all a trick
what did i do to you
may i ask why
never mind i dont care, i'd rather get high
♠ ♠ ♠
I think that its a good high, but idk