Just Kill Me

Just kill me
Take my soul away
I need it no longer
There's nothing left
For me to save
Just kill me
Take my heart from my chest
Let the blood cover my breast
Let me stop breathing
I'm all broken anyway
Just kill me cut me open
Take your knife
And split my flesh
Let me bleed
Just kill me
Leave me bleeding
Don't save me
Don't stop the blood
Don't close my new wounds
Just kill me
There's no one to save me
From the Death that's fast approaching
Just let me bleed
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so it's not the best poem, but it's one of my first, and I wanted to share it. I wrote this during the time when I was stressed and depressed all the time. There will be many more poems to come, and a couple stories. Your comments are welcomed! And your critizisem is also excepted. I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing. You guys are great!